What We Do

Barton Reading and Spelling System®

Project 1 in 5 specializes in tutoring students of all ages who have or suspect having dyslexia.  We use an Orton-Gillingham based program, the Barton Reading and Spelling System®, to teach students rules, techniques, and skills that will help to increase their reading comprehension, fluency, and accuracy.

Individual tutoring sessions are facilitated by a certified teacher. The one-on-one teaching environment enables our tutors to focus on each student’s individual needs while learning at their pace. 


How Project 1 in 5 Can Help

Tutoring Services

  • One-on-One Tutoring Sessions
  • All Tutors Are Certified and Experienced Teachers
  • Twice Weekly Tutoring Sessions (1 Hour/Session)
  • Monthly Emailed Progress Reports
  • Online or Remote Tutoring is Available*

Evaluations and Screening

Project 1 in 5 will soon be providing dyslexia screenings and dyslexia evaluation services.  Please check back  for more information!  In the meantime, you can learn more about dyslexia and the warning signs using our checklist.

School Interactions

  • Communication With Teachers Upon Request
  • Accommodation Recommendations Available
  • IEP/504/Conference Meeting Sit-Ins

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Barton Reading and Spelling System®?

The Barton Reading and Spelling System® is an Orton-Gillingham based method that uses a multi-sensory approach.  Combining auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles provides students with multiple opportunities to make connections and learn concepts.

Barton moves through a series of 10 levels, each with it's own  set of modules, at each student's own pace.  Throughout these levels, students will learn reading and spelling rules that help them to skillfully decode words while reading.

How often should a student participate in tutoring?

To have the best possible results using Barton, students should participate in two 1-hour tutoring sessions per week.  During extended breaks from school, such as summer intercession, students may possibly schedule more than two sessions per week to progress through the Barton program more quickly.

How long does it take for a student to complete the Barton program?

Because each tutoring session is one-on-one, each student progresses through the Barton program at their own pace.  When completing the suggested two tutoring sessions per week, students can expect to complete all 10 levels of the Barton program in 2-3 years.  Remember, this type of program is developed to help students gain the tools necessary to work through their challenges.  It is not a short process, but more of a long term investment.

What is remote tutoring?

Project 1 in 5 currently offers remote or virtual tutoring for students.  Using video conferencing and screen sharing software, your tutor can meet with you via computer video call for your tutoring sessions.  This works quite well for those who live at a great distance from Gilbert, AZ or to help accommodate schedules, such as early morning tutoring.